The Problem
With Christianity - How I Lost My Faith
So I was
raised as a Christian. I grew up believing the Bible was the perfect word of
God, the Earth was created in 6 days and the “Second Coming of Christ” was
imminent. I was told that after death I would spend eternity either in Heaven,
which was better than I could possibly imagine, or in Hell, where I would be
burned alive, in excruciating agony forever. Which one I ended up in seemed to
depend not on how I acted towards others, but on my continued attendance to
church, memorising of Bible verses, and my willingness to stand up and say
“Yes, I am a Christian!” no matter what persecution I may face.
As a result
of these beliefs I lived in constant fear that I would end up in Hell, and was
plagued by guilt because I didn’t want Jesus to come back tomorrow – I wanted
to grow up, to live my life! Disgraceful, I know.
It wasn’t
too long, however, before I started to wonder about certain things. I was
always being urged to “live as a Christian” but I couldn’t quite get my head
around what this meant. There seemed to be an implication that “living as a
Christian” was to be a “good person,” but the things it entailed: going to
church, reading the Bible, praying, and so on, seemed to have little to do with
morality. Of course, there were the “ten commandments” we were expected to
follow, but these all seemed either arbitrary or obvious. And then of course
there was the main doctrine of the Christian faith – that none of us can meet
God’s expectations anyway, so in order to save us from his own wrath, God came
to Earth as his own son in order to be tortured to death so that he could
forgive us. Aside from absurdity of this idea, it seemed to make moral actions
somewhat optional for Christians, as all that really mattered was accepting
this “gift” absolving us from responsibility for our “sins.”
At around
the age of sixteen I stopped going to church. I felt I wasn’t learning anything
new in these services, and they were a waste of a perfectly good morning that
could be spent sleeping. Besides, wasn’t the Sabbath supposed to be a “day of
rest”? I still considered myself a Christian at this point, but I had decided
that the most important thing was to live according to the teachings of Christ,
treating others how I would wish to be treated and so on. This didn’t stop
certain people repeatedly informing me that I would be going to Hell unless I
returned to the church, however.
Over the
last few years I have been searching all avenues of Science, Philosophy and
Religion, trying to find the answers. I have now come to the conclusion that
there is almost certainly no God, and certainly not the one of the Bible. My
next few blog entries will discuss how I came to these conclusions. The main
topics include:
And more....
Sarah.First off I'm a Christian and used to wonder the same things.Consantly in fear of hell and listening to religious bozos who claimed to have the ear of God.Raised as a Caltholic in a church that was more a graveyard than a holy house of worship.It was ritual nonsense.Kneeling,standing and chanting repetitive mantras.And the parishioners going through the motions.God was most certainly miles from that place.So as a teen I was done.Years later I came back to Christ through a non denominational church and learned what they lacked.I accepted Christ and learned its not through or works that we are saved.Jesus said love God with all your heart, mind, soul and love your neighbor as yourself.Also lean not on your own understanding and seek FIRST the kingdom of God.When I said ok God I surrender your will first he showed up.I live more " rightly" by accident than if I try.It sounds corney but it works.I have seen people healed and delivered emotionaly and physicaly.Lives truly changed.And it has nothing to do with going to church or keeping comandments.God is no respector of persons.I just have Faith no matter the situation and even if it seems impossible.His word is the key.Jesus said they are spirit and life.Anyway I'm sorry you've come to your present conclusion and that you could not did not have a personal relationship.You still can.Its ok to question God and life doctrine ect..It's just to bad that the ones we turn to for the answers are the ones who often give God a bad name.Trust in him not some riligious pin head.Hope you give it one more shot. :) All the best. God bless.