Maintain humanity under 500,000,000
in perpetual balance with nature.
Why it may be perceived negatively
(incorrectly) assume that adhering to this guideline would involve actively
killing a large majority of the Earth’s human population. I must emphasise that
this is not the case. What it actually
means is limiting the rate at which new people are born. This is easily
achieved by use of contraceptives, which have been extremely successful in the
developed world as a means of slowing the rate of population growth. However
there are certain groups of people (such as the Catholic Church) who still
oppose the use of any form of contraception to prevent pregnancies.
Why the issue should not be ignored
refers to the situation where an organism's numbers exceed the carrying
capacity of its habitat. Most estimates for the carrying capacity of the Earth are between 4
billion and 16 billion (according to Wikipedia). The global human population
now exceeds 7 billion, so depending on which estimate is used, human
overpopulation may or may not have already occurred. I don’t know how the
figure 500,000,000 was calculated, and therefore have no reason to stick
strictly to it; however I think it is clear that the human population cannot be
allowed to continue growing exponentially, and may even benefit from some
reduction in number. The reasons for this are as follows:
– rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, global
warming, and pollution, are all made worse by continued population growth.
In addition, many natural habitats such as rainforests are destroyed to make
room for the growing human population at the expense of the other species we
share this planet with.
resources – food, fresh water, fuels, etc. A larger population means increased
demand for resources which will lead to higher prices, deprivation, poverty, starvation and
potentially war over these limited resources.
What could be achieved?
A smaller
human population would mean increased quality of life for humans, and a
healthier and more peaceful planet. Remember quality of life > quantity of life!
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